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Thursday, August 30, 2012


 Hi.. welcome to my page at “We Are Knowledge”… in here you will getting many IT knowledge from dekstop programming until web programming.. you will getting the IT knowledge like it.. Let’s do read my article..

C’mon read this article, this article discuss about “COBOL”, and I giving tutorial of “FORM TO USING”.. ok.. direct to go..

Definition :

>> This command is used to display / receive data from a variable.

>> This command is used to enter the value / value store the variables.

>> This command is used to substitute and TO FORM command means the command can do two things above.

Ok.. now I want making program using “FORM TO USING” for you, you can copy this :

1. open cmd, method :
            a. press icon windows + R >> write “cmd” >> enter
            b. click start >> Run >> write “cmd” >> enter

2. if you put the instalation of cobol in “program files”, follow this :
            a. cd..
            b. cd..
            c. cd program files/cobol
            d. edit ftu.cob

3. copy paste this coding, you must follow the line ::

8    12 

       AUTHOR. W-A-K.
       01 DM.
           02 BRG PIC A(25).
           02 HRG PIC 9(6) VALUE 0.
           02 JL PIC 9(3) VALUE 0.
           02 TOT PIC 9(6) VALUE 0.
       01 HL.
           02 BLANK SCREEN.
       01 LM.
           02 LINE 6 COLUMN 3 VALUE 'NAME OF GOODS : '.
           02 COLUMN PLUS 1 PIC A(20) TO BRG.
           02 LINE 8 COLUMN 3 VALUE 'HARGA : '.
           02 COLUMN PLUS 1 PIC 9(6) TO HRG.
           02 LINE 10 COLUMN 3 VALUE 'QUANTITY : '.
           02 COLUMN PLUS 1 PIC 9(3) TO JL.
       01 LT.
           02 LINE 14 COLUMN 3 VALUE 'TOTAL : '.
           02 COLUMN PLUS 1 PIC 9(6) FROM TOTAL.
           DISPLAY HL.
           DISPLAY LM.
           ACCEPT LM.
           COMPUTE TOT = JL * HRG.
           DISPLAY LT.
           STOP RUN.

And if t is.. save with name “wak”.. and you must exit
Compile your program with write >> cobol wak.cob
Running your program with write >> runcob wak.cob

Ok.. just it…
I hope you likely…
See you later brother…


Hi.. welcome to my site in “We Are Knowledge”… In here you will getting many IT knowledge like as : Web programming, dekstop programming, and general IT knowledge… If you will getting it, you mustreading my article…

Likelythis article.. I discuss about dekstop programming, that is program language “cobol”. Previosly I was giving tutorial about “TABLE in cobol” but I not giving sample program about it.. So.. in this article.. I want giving you “SIMPLE PROGRAM TABLE in PASCAL”.. you will know ?? let’s do read my article.. have fun and enjoy id…

For making program you must enter to directory of cobol through “CMD”.. and this method…

1. press icon windows + R >> write “cmd” >> enter
2. cobol program if you put on the “program file”, then you must do
                c. CD program files/cobol
                d. EDIT table.cob
3. And you have been entered in the manufacture of coding.

You can copy this coding !!

     8 12  14

copy from here..

       PROGRAM-ID. tabel.
       AUTHOR. Wak.
       77 n PIC 9.
       77 giveline PIC X(47) VALUE ALL '-'.
       01 tp.
           02  das OCCURS 5 TIMES.
               03  sn PIC X(25).
               03  i PIC 9(8).
       01      title-1  PIC X(20)  VALUE  ' SELLER NAME AND INCOME   '.
       01      title-2.
           02      FILLER  PIC X(2) VALUE '|'.
           02      FILL PIC X(26) VALUE '    SELLER NAME    '.
           02      FILL PIC X(2) VALUE '|'.
           02      FILL PIC X(16) VALUE ' INCOME '.
           02      FILL PIC X(2) VALUE '|'.
       01      it.
           02      FILL    PIC X(2) VALUE '|'.
           02      lns       PIC x(26).
           02      FILL    PIC X(2) VALUE '|'.
           02      lhp             PIC ZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZBB.
           02      FILL    PIC X(2) VALUE '|'.
       01       hp.
           02      BLANK SCREEN.
           PERFORM pdt
           VARYING  n FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL  n  >  5
           PERFORM ttp
           VARYING n FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL  n  >  5.
           STOP RUN.
            DISPLAY (  ,  )  n,  '. SELLER NAME  :  '.
            ACCEPT (  ,  )  sn (n).
            DISPLAY SPACE.
            DISPLAY (  ,  )  SPACE,  ' INCOME  :  '.
            ACCEPT (  ,  ) i (n).
            DISPLAY SPACE.
            DISPLAY hp.
            DISPLAY title-1.
            DISPLAY giveline.
            DISPLAY title-2.
            DISPLAY giveline.
            PERFORM  tit
            VARYING  n  FROM  1  BY  1  UNTIL  n  >  5.
            DISPLAY giveline.
            MOVE sn (n)  TO  lns.
            MOVE i (n)  TO  lhp.
            DISPLAY it.

And it is save the program…

For compile >> cobol table.cob
For running >> runcob table.cob

Note ::

if you using copy paste.. please change all quotes (“ “) or (‘ ‘)
You must followed spaced every coding..

Ok.. just it..
I hope you can do it…
Thank for you…
See you later

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hello my friend IT program lover… You are on my blog at “We Are Knowledge”.. If you reading my article You will getting many IT knowledge in here. Likely this article.. this article discuss about “COBOL”. And tutorial about “Picture Clause Dan Editing”.

To be found between Picture Clause Dan Editing.

Picture Clause

>> Useful for determining what data types to use for variables, but this command
can also be used to display or print the form data in the output window


>> This command is used to change the shape of the data results using picture clause to be printed to the output window, to make it easier to read and more comfortable seeing.

1. Picture Clause

a. Picture character 9
>> used to store or produce data in the form of numerical

Ex :
number PIC 99999.
number PIC 9(5).

b. Picture character A
>> used to store or produce data in the form of the

Ex :
            Name PIC aaaaa.
            Name PIC a(5).

c. Picture character X
>> used to store or produce data in the form of numeric and alphabet

Ex :
            Address PIC x(20)

d. Picture character V
>> for decimal numbers, and can only be used in conjunction with a picture clause 9

Ex :
price PIC 9999V99.             >> 234.50
price PIC 9(5)V9(3). >>     4656.345

e. Picture character P
>> this picture character for to appear value “0”

Ex :
            price PIC 9PPV.  >> 900.

f. Picture character S
>> the picture character using for giving minus sign (-)

1. Picture Editing

a. Picture editing karakter Z.
>> omit the 0 at the front

b. Picture editing karakter $.
>> giving “$” sign

c. Picture editing karakter (.) and (,).
>> giving stops and commas

d. Picture editing karakter “-“.
>> giving minus sign

e. Picture editing karakter “+”.
>> giving minus sign, if the value is positif not giving positif sign

f. Picture editing karakter DB and CR.
>> commonly used to model accounting

g. Picture editing karakter “B”.
>> operator inserts blank where "B" is located

h. Picture editing karakter “*”.
>> this picture editing for change “0” with “*” sign

i. Picture editing karakter “0”.
>> insert the character 0 (zero)

j. Picture editing karakter “/”.
>> insert character /, commonly used for date or time

Ok..just it..
I hope you understand..
See you later


Hi.. hi.. hi.. Welcome to my blog, you are on my blog at “We Are Knowledge”. In here you will getting many IT knowledge. I was provided you IT knowledge from dekstop programming until web programming. Moreover I also provided IT knowledge about graphic design using “ADOBE PHOTOSHOP”. You can find it here.

But now.. I want giving you IT knowledge about program language “COBOL”. Previosuly You know about the this program language ? you will know ?? let’s do read my article… you want getting your questions… Ok.. have fun and enjoy to read my article…

COBOL is program language based dekstop programming, likely pascal, C++, VB 6. But there is a very noticeable difference with the programming language pascal, c + +, vb 6, which is the programming language compiler cobol he lacks himself, so he needs help to compile the coding.

My discussion this time is the level number in cobol. level number in cobol is is a number that describes levels of data items in a record. The greater the number (level) level, the lower the level of degree.

There are five levels and this number is the level number in cobol :

Level Number 01

>> This is a description of a record

Level Number 02-49

>> This number level to initiate the description of the data item

Example :

Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01   input-of-data.
02   Name Pic A(10).
02   Number.
                        03 hp-numbers Pic 9(6).
          03 house-numbers pic 9(6).
          03 office-numbers pic 9(6).
            02  total-revenue Pic 9(7).

Level Number 66

>> Renames

Example :

01 Input-of-data.
02 Name                     Pic A(10).
02 sex                         Pic A(10).
02 address                   Pic X(20).
02 no_hp                     Pic X(15).

66 Data-Student Renames Name thru address.

Level Number 77

>> This number level to initiate an independent data item

Level Number 88

>> This number level we can use the condition


Data Division.
Working-Storage Section.
01  Data-Masukkan.
            02 quetions Pic A.
                        88 try_again value is ‘Y’, ‘y’.
                        88 enough    value is ‘T’, ‘t’.
77  Name Pic A(20).

Ok.. just it..
I hope you understand..
See you later..

Monday, August 27, 2012


Hi.. welcome to my site at “We Are Knowledge”. Yeah that’s right you are on my blog… This is blog want giving you many IT knowledge. Try you look my other article would have found a tutorial on IT knowledge and other knowledge…

You are can take many IT knowledge in here, from IT knowledge about dekstop programming until web programming.. you can take You can pick it up for free. For knowledge to be shared and not for himself.

Now.. I want giving you IT Knowledge about program language COBOL. And discus about “TABLE in cobol”. You will gettingIT knowledge about it.. ?? let’s do read it..
table on pascal array also certainly discussed. because the array is a collection of data (more than one) that has the same data type

The table on cobol  programming language is a collection of (many) data with the same data type that is accessible by using the same name as well, and are stored in memory in sequence (also called an array).

Cobol programming language for declaring the table we can only make it in the DATA DIVISION in the WORKING-STORAGE SECTION, as discussed cobol programming language is structured.

This is an example of defining a table in cobol :

This example of the cutting :

01    table_ipk_student.
                   02  student_value             PIC 999 OCCURS 10 TIMES.

Declare an array of values ​​that accommodate as many as 10 students of numerical data.

if the coding is not abbreviated like this:

01    table_ipk_student.
                   02  student_value -1         PIC 999.
02  student_value -2         PIC 999.
                   02  student_value -3         PIC 999.
02  student_value -4         PIC 999.
02  student_value -5         PIC 999.
02  student_value -6         PIC 999.
02  student_value -7         PIC 999.
02  student_value -8         PIC 999.
02  student_value -9         PIC 999.
02  student_value -10       PIC 999.

cobol programming language there are some statements that must end with a dot.

Ok.. just it…
I hope you understand with this article…
See you later friends….

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hi IT knowledge lover.. welcome to my blog at “We Are Knowledge”.. in here you will getting many IT knowledge, from IT knowledge based Web programming like as : php, html until dekstop programming like as : cobol, c++, pascal. And I also provided general knowledge like as : receip Indonesian foods. There you are will getting many knowledge about method cook of Indonesian foods.

But now, I want giving you IT knowledge about program language ”COBOL”. And discuss of “introduction of program language COBOL”. You will know about COBOL.
You will known ?? let’s do read my article… have fun for reading !!

COBOL is program language based dekstop, like as : pascal, c++ they are also program language based desktop. If on program language cobol not have compile it yourself, on pascal having compile it yourself. Therefore program language cobol need help to compile his program.

In making program you can using text editor. Likely notepad. But if you will saving your job (program) you must saving with save as type = “cob” ex : program.cob.

For compile in program language cobol you can press button in keyboard “alt + F9” if there are errors or not, and to appear. And for running the program that you make press button in keyboard “ctrl + F9”. Previous you compile and running the program you must enter to cmd. For enter you can using this “press window + R (in keyboard) and write >> cmd >> enter. Or click start >> run >> cmd >> enter.

Cobol programming language called structured program. In program language cobol have 4 (four) procedure, namely:

1. identification division
                Progam-id >> for name of your program
                Author        >> for name the programmer

2. environment division

3. data division
                Working-storage section >> for variable declaration

4. procedure division >> place for all coding program.

Ok.. just it..
I hope you likely with it..
You must try this program language..
See you later brother…

Friday, August 24, 2012


Hi programmer.. You are on my site in “We Are Knowledge”. In here you will getting many IT knowledge. IT knowledge based web programming likely html and php, based dekstop programming likely pascal, cobol, c++ and other program language… in here the programmer can looking for IT knowledge.

This is the right blog for begginer programmer..  because I was making tutorial from from the base to a higher level. Example if you will programmer you must learn dekstop programming and next web programming.

But now, I want giving you IT knowledge based dekstop programming. That is “program language PASCAL” and discuss about FILE in Pascal. You want to know? Let’s do read my article.. have fun for reading…


>> Files in pascal is a collection of byte-byte stored in the storage media (in pascal program). A component (an element of the file) the same data type, which is not necessarily the amount that can be reduced or increased if anyone wants to change.

Pascal files on there are some we need to know, and there are 3 types of files, namely:

1. Text file
2. files of type
3. File not type

Ok… now.. I want explain to you one by one. But I want giving you knowledge just “TEXT FILE”

1. Text file

Creating text file with pascal :

a.  Declaring a variable syntax for file
var name_variable : TEXT;

b.Linking syntax for file names with variable file
assign (name_variable, name_file);

c.  Creating a text file to be active (in use)
rewrite (name_variable);

d. Writing into a text file (edit file)
write / writeln (name_variable, value data 1, value data 2, valu data 3, and so on)

e.  closing the file
close (name_variable)

Reading Text Files with pascal

a.  Declaring a variable syntax for file
var name_variable : TEXT;

b.Linking syntax for file names with variable file
assign (name_variable, name_file);

c. Reading pascal file contents and display it in the windows or on the output window
while not eof (name_variable)
readln (name_variable, value data 1, value data 2, valu data 3, and so on);
write (value data 1, value data 2, value data 3, and so on);

d.  closing the file
close (name_variable)

Add the contents of the file created by pascal

>> Linking syntax for file names with variable file

>> additions to pre-existing file contents

Ok.. just it
I hope you likely..
See you later..

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hello… introduce this is my blog…. And name of “We Are Knowledge”.. you was entry previously ???...if not… I want giving you little information about this blog… My blog is place for sharing IT knowledge or general knowledge.. The IT knowledge can be web programming or dekstop programming… And for general knowledge, I was include receip Indonesian foods..

Likely this article… I want giving you IT knowledge about “PASCAL” and discuss of “SET”. Previously I was giving you IT knowledge about it.. but, now.. I want making example program using ”SET”.. you wantto know ?? let’s do read my article… have fun for reading yeahh…

This is example from using statement set in pascal… you can copy this coding in your aplication likely “turbo pascal”  or you can too copy this coding in “notepad” or “notepad++”…

Example 1 :

Uses crt;
Type kbil=set of byte;
var kabil1,kabil2 : kbil;
writeln ('           Hello visitors');
writeln ('This is example from statement SET program');
writeln ('          survivors studied');
writeln ('PAGE 1');
write ('Please Input Your Number For Upper Limit : '); readln(a);
write ('Please Input Your Number For Lower Limit : '); readln(b);
kabil1 := [a..b];
writeln ('PAGE 2');
write ('Please Input Your Number For Upper Limit :');readln(a);
write ('Please Input Your Number For Lower Limit :');readln(b);
kabil2 := [a..b];
if kabil1 =  kabil2 then writeln ('set on page one of each with the set on page two');
if kabil1 <> kabil2 then writeln ('set on page one is not the same as the one set on page two');
if kabil1 <= kabil2 then writeln ('set on page one member of the set on page two');
if kabil1 >= kabil2 then writeln ('set on page one have a member of the set on page two');

Note :

Please change quotes likely this (“ “) or this (‘ ‘), if you using copy and paste
If  you copy in notepad or notepad ++, please save with save as type = “pas”. Ex : “set.pas”
To compile >> alt  + F9
To running >> ctrl + F9

Ok.. just it…
Have fun to learn…
See you later.